Waiter there's a Covert Notion in my Veiled Concept.

Yeah we know it's been a little quiet on the Bali front. We blame it on the wet. To break the drought, actually it's more like floods here, last night we lined a few things up, like we do, down Temple side.

Things kick started early with a screening of 'The Heart and The Sea' the third offering from independent Australian filmmaker Nathan Olfield. The first two, ‘Lines From a Poem’ and ‘Seaworthy' both extremely well received. This one was no different as it took in a lot of clapping and cheers from the crowd who'd assembled in our retail area where things had been rearranged into a makeshift theatrette. Our wet weather option.

Nathan put three years into this movie. Shooting on locations across Australia, New Zealand, & Europe. The movie itself delves into the plausibility of a pure surfing life. An existence that takes in all; friends, family and the obsession of a shared communion with the sea.

The movie finished and people stirred. Trips to the bar where thirsts were quenched, legs stretched, conversations started up like brush fires. Monty took to the stage and tapped on the mic before beckoning everyone back inside with his banter laced with a few light heart jibes. He went on to explain why we were really there. The crux of the matter.

Fresh art and glass hung in the gallery. A collection of photos, a video loop and single fin resin tints. Add to that the movie we'd just watched and you'd have to agree, at face value, any tie in, tenuous at best. Some words written on the wall mentions a joint venture with a trip. A board that came forth and around them our crew documenting it. Vague to say the least, not a full and thorough explanation at all. Cryptic.

But everything was joined Monty explained as he invited the Deus photographer Anthony and videographers, Andre and David up onto stage. And slowly, a bit like peeling an onion, that would be one layer at a time, all was revealed.

The entire evening turned out to be more than a board, more than some photos and more than the footage. It turned out to be this press release with a difference. You'd have had to be a sleuth to get it. Veiled indeed. This was a welcome from the ranks instead of hearing it from above. Seems everything; the photos, the boards, the video loop and even moments within Nathan's movie all shared one thing in common. Or should I say one person. Harrison Roach.

It was the Deus family’s way to say G'day to its newest member. Harrison joins Deus in what both sides see as a great fit. A huge amount of mutual respect reigns. The first evidence of this relationship going great guns has to be these beautiful resin tint logs Thomas (Doc) Bexon shaped this past month. We'll have more on that for you a little later.

Wasn't a bloody big bang of thunder last night but it did put everybody's minds that were there in the set, that we're back, and we're still in the business of having fun. Yeeww!