Custom Wars - Bali's Bike Event Beach Blow Out

Bahasa, English below 👇 
By Geri:

Bali memiliki hampir semua grup antusiasme motor custom yang berbeda-beda, mulai dari Harley hingga Monkey Bike dan sebagian besar varian di antaranya. Salah satu kelompok pecinta motor custom tersebut adalah Naskleng 13, mereka juga merupakan penyelenggara event motor custom terbesar yang diadakan di Bali. Tahun ini, di bawah bendera "Not an annual custom culture show on the Island of Gods, Bali” mereka menyelenggarakan Custom War untuk yang kelima kalinya. Acara yang berlangsung selama dua hari tersebut dipenuhi dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang terinspirasi dari motor. Merupakan pameran gabungan antara motor & mobil custom yang menyelimuti seluruh area. Ada pertunjukan tato live, sekelompok seniman mural dan pinstriping live, ada liga skateboard dan fingerboard, alley cat race, bahkan pertunjukan kite surfing. Stand-stand didirikan untuk menjual pakaian dari beberapa brand, ada tempat part motor bekas dan penjualan suku cadang vintage, booth makanan dan minuman untuk mengisi perut dan deretan musik live yang luar biasa di enam panggung yang tersebar di area seluas 2,6 hektar yang dulunya adalah Kebun Binatang Bali tua di Sanur.

Tambahan yang menarik bagi kami dan sangat dinantikan pada NK13 Custom War tahun ini adalah Motorcycle Beach Race. Pantai Padang Galak terletak tepat di depan acara utama dan ketika air laut surut langsung terhampar pasir hitam panjang, meski hanya berjarak 200 meter. Posisinya sempurna bagi orang-orang untuk turun ke pasir dan kembali, menikmati balapan sebelum kembali ke pameran sepeda motor kustom dan pertunjukan musik live.

Deus Ex Machina Bali mengumpulkan tim untuk mengikuti lomba pantai bersama 135 peserta lainnya. Dede Juntha, Dewa Dimas, dan Sandi Maulana menjadi tiga pembalap yang ditunggu-tunggu untuk berlaga di beberapa kelas berbeda. Ketiganya akan berkompetisi di kelas Big Dawgs dan FFA Vintage Trail Big CC, dan Sandi juga akan mengikuti kelas FFA Custom Bike. Kami telah membawa tiga motor dari toko kami untuk balapan kali ini. Yamaha SR400 tahun 1976 kami, Suzuki DR650, dan Honda CRF 250. Untuk memastikan kami dapat memperbaiki dan menyesuaikan dengan cepat, Arwin dan Koko, alias The Deus Bengkel Boys, tim bengkel kami yang luar biasa di Canggu, didirikan di tenda paddock kami . Tenda kami dikelilingi teman-teman dari Bali dan kota lain, seperti Bckyrd Custom (Bali), Hiro Motorcycle (Jakarta), 645 Magz (Jakarta), Jadoel Garage (Bali), dan Afternoon Cruisin’ (Bali). Semua orang bersiap mempersiapkan sepedanya di tenda paddock sambil menunggu air pasang kembali meluncur ke laut dan membuka lintasan balap kami yang akan segera dimulai.

Tepat pukul 13.00, panitia mengacungkan jempol kepada kami. Acara diawali dengan kelas FFA Custom Bike yang diikuti oleh Sandi Maulana dengan menggunakan Honda CRF250. Sebelum balapan dimulai, kedua pembalap yang bersaing harus memainkan suwit Jepang "Batu, Kertas, Gunting" untuk memilih posisi mereka - kiri atau kanan pada awal. Hal ini dilakukan karena jalur kiri berada lebih tinggi di atas pantai, dimana pasir yang lebih longgar dan lebih kering sedikit lebih menantang. Namun, tantangan ini tidak ditanggapi dengan keluhan melainkan dengan antusiasme, unsur keberuntungan dan kemampuan pengendalian motor yang terampil pada roda belakang (rear wheel steering ) yang liar di pasir kering yang licin.

Pada hari kedua balapan, kompetisi berkurang menjadi beberapa final. Sandi Maulana dan Dewa Dimas sama-sama berhasil lolos. Sayangnya, Dede Juntha sempat tersingkir dari kedua kelas yang diikutinya pada babak penyisihan hari pertama. Lalu giliran Dewa yang sayangnya tersingkir dari kelas Big Dawgs & FFA Vintage Trail Big CC. Tinggal Sandi Maulana di tim Deus yang melaju ke final kelas FFA Custom Bike dengan Deus Honda CRF 250. Final terdiri dari tiga balapan. Sandi memulai di trek kiri yang menantang dan kalah pada balapan pertama. Dia kemudian beralih ke trek yang benar untuk balapan kedua, mengamankan kemenangan. Namun pada balapan ketiga, Sandi kembali ke jalur kiri dan kembali kalah sehingga skor 1-2 berakhir untuk Sandi yang akhirnya menempati posisi kedua di kelas tersebut.

Meskipun hasilnya tidak ideal bagi Deus sebagai sebuah tim, tidak dapat disangkal bahwa kami memiliki waktu yang luar biasa. Suasana balapan di tepi pantai, cuaca bulan Agustus yang indah di Bali, dan berkumpulnya para pecinta sepeda motor di acara tersebut membuat kami semakin terhibur dan terhibur. Setelah itu kami mengemas motor, peralatan, dan tenda paddock, dan melanjutkan semangat dengan menuju area acara utama, terlebih dahulu mengagumi berbagai sepeda motor dan mobil yang dipamerkan, kemudian melanjutkan ke tempat mereka menggelar penampilan terakhir band, kelas dunia beraliran musik rock dan metal dari Bali, seperti Navicula, Jangar, dan Ironhead.

Berikut adalah List pemenang pada NK13 Custom War Fun Beach Race :


By Ano

Bali has a group for almost every different enthusiasm of custom motorcycles out there, from Harley’s to Monkey Bike’s and most of the variants in between. One of these groups of custom motorcycle enthusiasts is Naskleng 13, they’re also the organizers of what is undoubtedly the largest custom motorcycle event held in Bali. This year, under the banner of "Not an annual custom culture show on the Island of Gods, Bali" they ran their Custom Wars for the fifth time. Their two-day event was jam-packed to overflowing with motor inspired activities. There was a combined custom motorcycle & car exhibition that wrapped around the entire area. There were live tattoo shows, a bunch of live mural and pinstriping artists, there was skateboarding and the fingerboard league, an alley cat race, even a kite surfing show. Booths were set up selling clothing from several vendors, there was a junkyard for the sale of vintage parts, food and beverage booths to fill one’s belly and one hell of a live music lineup across the six stages scattered about the 2.6-hectare area of what was once the old Bali Zoo in Sanur.

An exciting, and for us, much anticipated addition to this year's NK13 Custom War had to be the Motorcycle Beach Race. Padang Galak Beach is located right in front of the main event venue and when the tide ebbed, offered up a long black sand straightaway, although we only needed 200 meters of it. It was perfectly positioned for people to spill down to the sand and back, enjoying the races before receding back up to the custom motorcycle exhibition and live music.

Deus Ex Machina Bali pulled a team together to participate in the beach race along with 135 other participants. Dede Juntha, Dewa Dimas, and Sandi Maulana were three riders eagerly waiting to compete in some of the different classes. All three were going to compete in the Big Dawgs and FFA Vintage Trail Big CC classes, and Sandi was going to also run in the FFA Custom Bike class. We had brought along three of our shop bikes for the job. Our 1976 Yamaha SR400, a Suzuki DR650, and a Honda CRF 250. To make sure we could repair and adjust on the fly, Arwin and Koko, aka The Deus Bengkel Boys, our amazing Canggu workshop team, were set up in our paddock tent. Our tent was surrounded by friends from Bali and other cities, such as Bckyrd Custom (Bali), Hiro Motorcycle (Jakarta), 645 Magz (Jakarta), Jadoel Garage (Bali), and Afternoon Cruisin’ (Bali). Everyone was set about preparing their bikes in the paddock tents while waiting for the high tide to slide back to the sea and expose our soon to be race track.

At exactly 1:00 PM, the organizers gave us the thumbs up. The event started with the FFA Custom Bike class, in which Sandi Maulana was to participate using our Honda CRF250. Before a race could begin, the two competing riders had to play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to choose their position - left or right on the start. This was done because the left track was higher up the beach, where the looser, dryer sand was a little more challenging. However, this challenge wasn't met with complaints but rather with enthusiasm, the added element of luck and the skillful control of the wild rear-wheel steering factor in dry loose sand.

By the second day of racing the competition had been whittled down to the final few. Sandi Maulana and Dewa Dimas had both made it through. Unfortunately, Dede Juntha had been knocked out of both classes he was competing in during the preliminaries on day one. Then it was Dewa’s turn, he was unfortunately knocked out of both the Big Dawgs & FFA Vintage Trail Big CC classes. That just left Sandi Maulana in Team Deus who advanced to the final in the FFA Custom Bike class with the Deus Honda CRF 250. The finals consisted of three races. Sandi started in the challenging left track and lost the first race. He then switched to the right track for the second race, securing a victory. However, in the third race, Sandi switched back to the left track and lost again, resulting in a score of 1-2 for Sandi, who ultimately came second in that class.

While the results weren't ideal for Deus as a team, we undeniably had an awesome time. The race atmosphere by the beach, the beautiful August weather in Bali, and hanging out with all the like minded motorcycle enthusiasts at the event who kept us more than amused and undeniably entertained. With that we packed up our bikes, tools and paddock tent, and continued the enthusiasm by heading up to the main event area, first admiring the various motorcycles and cars on display, then moving on through to where they staged the final run of bands, the heavy weights of Bali's rock and metal music scene, bands such as Navicula, Jangar, and Ironhead.

Photos by Ram Mateo

Below is the list of winners in the NK13 Custom War Fun Beach Race:

Kelas FFA Custom Small Engine:

  1. Alam NZM
  2. Kadek Sanjaya
  3. Made Deky Suryanata
  4. Dogler Lukluk

Kelas FFA Custom Bike : 

  1. Dewa Ditha
  2. Sandi Maulana
  3. Trihariono
  4. Old Strong

Kelas FFA Vintage Trail 4Tak : 

  1. I Made Dimas Satria
  2. Benny Bendot
  3. Bali Gtt
  4. Agus Mahendra

Kelas FFA Vintage Trail 2Tak : 

  1. Bali Gtt
  2. Bali Gtt
  3. Nova Arma
  4. Bali Gtt

Kelas FFA Vintage Trail Big CC

  1. Dual Purpose
  2. Dudung SP
  3. Bali Gtt
  4. Ngeeng Adventure

Kelas Big Dawgs : 

  1. Laksita
  2. Bayu Pramana
  3. Kevin Adi
  4. De Presisi

Kelas Sportster Series : 

  1. Angelo
  2. Agatha Ronald

Kelas Vintage Harley : 

  1. Anagha
  2. Dewa maryo Supply
  3. MM Auto works
  4. Adam Hiro Motorcycle