The Pinball Wizard...

Welcome folks to the wonder filled world of Rich Pavel. Rich has been well on his way to being a semi permanent fixture around The Temple. Shaping boards as well as dropping a bit of knowledge to any who take the time out of their day to listen. But please take a look for your selves with this impromptu interview, enjoy, I know we do…

Us. Name and zodiac sign?

Him. My name is baby, but don’t call me baby. I am a Leo. Us. Ok, that’s a bit odd, that’s not your name and a Leo is an astrological sign. Us. Why did you start shaping? Him. I like working with concepts, ideas and processes. I was most fascinated with feeling and finding out how things worked and why. Us. Skip Frye was recently inducted into the surfing hall of fame; can you describe him in one word? Him. Moses. Us. Where do you see Deus surfboards/brand in 5 years? Him. I believe Deus will continue to meet the demand for individuality, expression and freedom of expression. Us. Kiss ass… Us. Of all the shapers that you have seen come though The Temple, Garret, Warren, Thomas, NPJR, Mactavish, Ellis, Burch and all the others legends, who would you choose to shape you a board as well as travel with? Him. NPJR if I was traveling through Australia and Ryan Burch if I was traveling in California Us. Where do you see boards going now days? Him. Today’s boards for todays surfers. Today’s board riders are more sophisticated than ever and there seeing complete combonations of integrated surf designs that are being brought forward and current for the current era. Us. You a Black Sabbath man? Him. (Laughing) No, more physical than metaphysical. Us. Tell us why you pushed for getting all those blanks and materials from the U.S. compared to what you can get locally? Him. Well there are several components to it. After speaking with Dare and Dhump and seeing that theses guys have there sights set on something that is highly defined by utilizing materials that are at the panicle of the surf industry. The professional and vernacular result is the most attainable. What brought me to Deus in part was Monty, Andy-6-Strings and you Tyler. Its all part of “The Australia Greenroom Tour” without those things, I’m not here. It’s part of an ongoing lifestyle commitment and an exponent of all things involved in the Greenroom philosophy. This is part of the Greenrooms “Corporate Social Responsibility” or C.S.R. quality built boards that are well cared for as well as well ridden that last in relationship and time. Us. Wow… Us. You have been working with Harrison Roach while he was here on different concepts of boards for Deus, can you elaborate on that experience along with your colabs for us? Him. Yes I will elaborate on that for you. Harrison is a very multi faceted surfer, in the since that there really isn’t one style of board or wave he solely rides. One week he can be in Noosa logging, and the next traveling to the outermost limits of Java and finding himself in double overhead pits on a channel bottom single fin. Then over to Japan for another log comp as he grows so does his wants and needs, so we worked together on a bunch of shapes from logs to 7’6 single fin pipe cleaners all the way down to fishes and shorter style single fins for a more faster beach break or smaller hollow reef point. Of course as he travels we tête-à-tête (deliberate) on what works and what needs to be improved on. I then transfer that new knowledge in to the boards I shape for the racks of all the Deus locations so multiple surfers with different needs find what they want in this brand… Us. Again, kiss ass… Him. Laughing Us. Hardest person you ever shaped for and why? Him. Tyler fucking Mars, he’s like a grandmother, just hen pecking me to death about this and that and why this works and why it wont and Mickey ”the cat” Dora… Us. Wow, legendary company, thanx for that baby… I think? Us. What should your tombstone read? Him. Find what you love, and let it kill you… Sursum Corda… Well, there you have it, Rich, (wait for it baby) Pavel. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting down with Rich and picking his brain. I have had a few opportunities to watch Rich shape and he is one of the most meticulous and passionate shapers I have ever watched (well they all area in there own ways). I have 2 of his sleds and stoked on both, so if your curious about the man covered in dust that lurks the Back Bay stop in and say "Hi" and check out his crafts of his trade on The Temple floor…