The Deus Fish Fry in Bali: a day for the young, the old and every age in between. The event is all about appreciating and riding a vast array of different surfboards. With an eclectic array of wave riding craft planted on the grassy knoll down at Tugu Beach, board enthusiasts admired and rode through the morning.
The girls and guys alike cross-stepped, trimmed and cut back on short, long, thick and thin surfboards. Once again, we were gifted with perfect surf and weather. The clean and open-faced Tugu walls were wonderful blank canvases for the various styles of riding. Along with the boards we condone sharing waves, stories and laughs.
Over the years we’ve experienced a range of conditions for our event. Whether it’s lake-like, bombing or anywhere in between, the one thing that stays the same is the vibe. And if this video is anything to go by, the vibe was damn good.