Deus X Byron Bay Surf Festival 2017

The Byron Bay Surf Festival has come and gone, but not without leaving a positive impact on everyone that came and enjoyed the free community event.

The who's who of the surf community came together to celebrate music, art, organic food vendors and clean living.

Deus Byron was asked to be a part of the event and what better way to be involved, than dumping our 20ft branded shaping container north of the event site.

Our good friends from Deus Bali flew into town, along with our surf ambassadors, giving everyone a taste of the in-house shapers program. Bob McTavish was kind enough to come along and take to the mic, revisiting the recent Sherpa model he'd done with Harrison Roach.

Thomas Bexon and Jye Byrnes took turns explaining certain surfboard designs they had come up with and our surf ambassadors were on hand to explain how they rode.

After all the shapers dust had settled from Thomas' new twin fin design, we all headed back to Deus Byron to screen Andy Gough's new movie #blackrain The Corona's were on ice and the movie was so good we had to watch it again.

Thank you to everyone that came,

Deus Byron

Film by @kbezafilms