Some say “It’s good to be the king!” Well, I think It’s good to be a grom in this day and age. It’s part of the lore of our modern lifestyle to make sure they are not only along for the ride but getting in, down and dirty and participating.
So it shouldn’t come as any surprise to any of you to hear that putting out a kids range takes as much time if not more, than doing it for the bigger blokes. We invest a truck load of energy, sweat, hard yakka and of course the creative juices of many fine Bintangs refining them their own unique look. I can tell you for free that it wasn’t without a tanny or two. And they were from both sides!
Of course the look borrows heavily from what the ‘old folk’ are wearing but it’s different.
A little more playful, perhaps. Some might say streamlined, maybe. Perceived to be a tad sharper, it’s conceivable. Whichever way you sway you have to tip your hat at it being built for a good playground plastering.
Whether you roll in boardies & T’s. Or step it up a notch styling shorts and button down shirts. We got the lot.
The guys making them are just sorry that we didn’t get around to making them jocks and socks…
Well not yet anyway! Check out the Deus Kids Lookbook – Skids