Deus Swap Meet goes west - Perth this Sunday

This Sunday 21st November at the rear of 1000 Hay St Perth; there will be a meeting of the like minded, pre 1990 surfboards, skateboards, vintage surf clothing, beach shack furniture, posters, mags art and other collectibles.
This promises to be a great day out for the entire family. There is a little catch, we are asking that you give a gold coin for charity to gain entrance to see, amongst hundreds of other 'must have' objects, the "Wall of Vintage", 30 meters of collectible vintage foam priced nice for the pocket from $50 - $500.
If I wasn't 3 hours north with a whole lot of water between, I for one would definitely be there.
So in the lull between sets all you Perth-ites should take a Sunday drive down there and have a gander or better yet, grab a piece of history for the quiver.
Let us know how it goes. Photos and write ups always welcomed.