The Gladak Session Nr. 2 Surahn

Surahn Sidhu is best known for being part of the internationally recognised and highly theatrical electronic rock band "Empire of the Sun." Yet what many people don't know is that as a solo artist, Surahn is packing bucket loads of talent, and a voice to back it all up.

He first became a friend of Deus when he lent a hand with the original score for the surf film "Tracking" which Deus played a large role in the development of. Since then he has visited our humble Canggu Temple a handful of times and on his last pass through became one of the first artists to participate in a new program that we will be running in the future "Gladak Sessions"

Using the same 100 year old Gladak as the Artist in Residence program, we will be erecting a mobile recording setup to allow the many musical talents that pass through to lay down some stripped back versions of their hits.

So put the kettle on, prepare your favourite hot beverage and take a little time to listen to one of the first of many future Gladak Sessions.