The Australia Diaries Chapter 6

We got an email from Salsa last week. Seems he, Mia and some friends have
been having a good time over in Australia. We thought we would share their images and email with you.
Hey fellas,Been hangin in Byron. Had planned to stop in at our friends place for 2 days and have now been here 3 weeks. one big beautiful vortex up here at the farm. It’s up on the hill behind byron so we have been rolling down the mountain
to surf and grab supplies, in and out.. too good up on the hill.
Big boy Les owns the property. Such a legend! The farm has been in his family for generations. Now he spends his days maintaining the 26 acres
workin hard and lovin it.
He gave us all a tour the other day. Pointing out and naming all the plants.
“That there is wild tobacco, another weed” “Can ya smoke it Les?” “No” “Why not?” “Cause it will kill ya or make ya sick”
“What about these mushrooms they look like oysters. Can you eat those ones?” “Nope, don’t eat em” “The whiskey grass?” “Look fellas you cant eat, smoke or drink anything in this forest, you’ll kill yaself”
You can cross the train tracks at the bottom of the property walk across the field and down to a little river and a swimming hole, such a magical joint. Been getting really fun waves. TW bar of soap on some good lefts. Slipped myself into a couple of tubs. Mias been drawing and painting things, I’ve been surfing and slow brewing coffee with the boys. Chalmers bought a bottle capping machine so now we have pre surf zingers every morning..sick! So yeah that’s all for now. Ready to get myself a farm. Start growing wrinkles and hair. We’re heading south in the next couple of days. So I will speak to ya then.
Special thanks To Josh Simpson for the action image screen grabs!