A very hush hush invite went out from the mouths of the Noosa crew, “anyone up for a bit of a road trip tomorrow? ”. “Shit yes. Where and when?” were the only words we replied.
Doc’s shed; 5:30 am was the call.
The vehicles were gassed and loaded, with boards, food and beers (standard), ready for the road trip. It had the look and feel of an old wagon train ready to forge a trail on foreign soil (or beach), and for some of us, it was just that.
The road and beach met, turning to one open highway with miles of sand as far as a native bird can see. With Josh Constable leading the pack, he decided now is when we make up some time. With one crack of the whip, the wagon train picked up speed, 150k is last I saw or wanted to…
The rising sun was lighting up the morning sky, for there is something we must see and get into on this day’s adventure.
When we finally pulled back on the reins and the wagon train came to rest, we looked out to the sea. At the end of our trail, right in front of us, there was a right hand point…grinding.
A mixed bag of surfers, Salsa, Chalmers, Raini, Cuddles, Little Man and Monty(to name a few)on a mixed bag of boards the like of, Bars of Soap, Espressos, Neil purchase Jr. single fins and logs. We even pulled out a Greenough inspired spoon ‘Doc-n-Jake’ built and an inflatable matt made it into the surf just because we could. We passed around beers and shared waves Why not; there wasn’t a soul in sight. My last glimpse of the day was watching ‘Doc-n-Rich pavel’ talking waves and shapes from the past, present and future. I don’t read lips, but with the smiles and hand gestures I can only imagine what will become when they join up back at Doc’s shed, or even better, at “The Temple”.
The same sun that lead us there, was dipping out of sight, it was time to reload and get back on the trail. A truly amazing day had just passed, but it will never be over…