Our good friend and Deus surf/travel ambassador Matt Cuddihy set sail a few months back from his kangaroo back yard to the land of the stars and stripes. He's been keeping himself busy at the Emporium of Postmodern Activities and also on the open costal roads of California in his trusty and rusty Chevy van that also doubles as his home.
We received this email from Matty not so long ago- “When the winter starts to come in Australia I start to think about Bali And California and this year I decided to migrate to Malibu and enjoy the summer. When you arrive in L.A.X it's a sensory overload of bad traffic , car horns and smog that never seems to clear . The first thing on my list is to get to Malibu and wash off the 13h flight . Over the first few days of staying with friends I had to sort out a home to spend the next few months in. I found a 1975 Chevy high top van on Craig's list and after a few days of building out the inside I had a place I'll be calling home. Now it's time to hit the highway and chase waves”. If you ever wanted a reliable penpal then matty's your guy never shy of dropping us a line and this time he flicked us a message on his most recent activities. Shooting Photographs on his 35mm camera it seems matty is having a physical and emtional journay on highway 1 that of wich is making for some beautiful photographs. So keep an eye out for this dude if you looking for some adventure or just and shoulder to cry on. God speed Matty! Follow Matty on his adventures via Instagram at mattcuddihy