The Machine Show 2017 - It all starts with one.

When you sit back to take a look at all the great bike shows around the globe, no matter how big they get or got, they all started with one… With one idea, one passion and one common purpose: to bring everyone together to enjoy Motorcycles. The Machine Show is no different; a pure labor of love by Matt Darwon a.k.a Matt Machine. Some may know Matt as THE Harley guy, but he’s also a lover of all fine bikes. From having built some of the finest Moto-guzis in the land to Born Free winning bikes, his unparalleled know-how and love for old bikes is what sparked this show. Matt’s idea was to gather all the best bikes, thirty years and older, of all makes in the one place — and what better place than Matt’s very own stomping ground, Braidwood, in picturesque rural NSW. From Race bikes, to monkey bikes, to everything else in between, the Machine Show was a celebration of two-wheeled enthusiasm. Stand out bikes were awarded with one of a kind trophies by guess judge Chris Hunter from BikeExif, Andrew Simpson and Matt him self. After checking out countless rare gems and a nail biting award ceremony, nothing much to do but kick-back, look at the billions of stars above and listen to the sounds of sweet drunken burnouts. What a weekend! Matt, we salute you for bringing us all together in such an amazing place with so many great friends. Bring on number TWO!! Follow Matt and the Machine Show on Instagram at @themachinefiles and @themachineshow