Man has used the spoon for many centuries. Early man, for instance I’m sure fashioned a semi concaved stick to feast on a stew like meal. I’m sure that Jesus used a spoon during the last supper; certainly the Son of God never turned his nose at a hearty soup. Junkies have used spoons in all sorts of innovative ways; Hell in the 70’s celebrity’s as well as regular people across the world would rifle cocaine up their noses using spoons (still do I suppose). But one man thought to himself “I think I’ll put a spoon under my knees” and that right there my compadres, was the game changer. That man was George Greenough. During the 70’s the short board revolution took fire when Greenough started rocking his signature transparent spoon kneeboard, using it for crazy new viewpoints while filming in the water as well as ridding on his knees getting slotted in the craziest of pits, it made shapers of that era take notice, and they basically chopped a foot if not more of the noses of there boards, some may say sparking the “Hot Generation”
Current day: Canggu, Deus Bali shred quarters; “Doc” and Jake have been in the shaping bay twisting up 4 very labor intensive limited edition spoons built to send of to the four corners of the world, well our four corners. Deus Bali, Deus Australia, Deus Venice and the last, Godzilla himself will drop off in Tokyo, so if you hail from either of these places please take a live gander for your selves. Any way I’m off track, theses little gems were shaped in about a weeks time and if you’ve ever tried to shape a board let alone a spoon, then you know the man hours this project took the boys from Noosa. We tried a few different technics on this project; custom screen-printed motorcycle images glassed into the boards, all different images by Anthony Dodds shot from a road trip to Noosa from Sydney. Three of them have different tails, two different custom Deus badges imbedded in the foam and a special silver-ish green black, tinted paint that we use on our custom tanks. So you can clearly see, we pulled no punches. But more than anything these little knee rockets are fully functional in the water as well as bitchin art and craftsmanship. So enjoy the pictures, and if you happen to be in any of the four corners mentioned above and you want a better look, head for the spoon, but god sakes, keep it out of your nose…