Lookbacks & Laybacks. An exhibition of might fine art by Andrew Wellman

Most people do what is expected of them, they live life a certain way, they behave a certain way, but with Andrew Wellman, that is most definitely not the case. He has never settled for doing what others wanted, not that he is selfish or anything, in fact, the truth is quite the opposite. Andrew escaped from an uninspiring career in Melbourne, Australia and settled in Bali to live in 1998. He worked and learnt art world tactics from a well-established artist in Ubud for the first 4 years before setting up his own studio here in Canggu What makes Andrew’s art so fresh and unique is essentially that, and in his own words… “he paints what he loves & loves what he paints”. In this exhibition he rummages around and tips onto the floor a whole lot of things that obviously puts a smile on his dial - people, places, songs & signs. Nor is he happy enough just to hang his art on the wall. Andrew brought in a whole lot of visual references to get you well on the way to what is important in his life. Umbrellas, books and even a lie low, those fabulous folding beach chairs your parents owned. For him, new isn’t necessarily better, nor does the old always need replacing. Patina & wrinkles are signs of a life well lived. Andrew keeps a foot planted in the past to remind himself of where he’s come from, whilst constantly on the lookout for future memories and art ideas. It has been a long time between Andrew having an exhibition here at Deus, and none of us are sure why, as he blows everyone’s minds away with the humour and authenticity of his work. It’s him 110% We’ll see another exhibition from him soon enough, if it’s up to us.   Lookbacks & Laybacks runs in the Deus Gallery at the Temple of Enthusiasm Canggu, Bali from June 16 until July 21 2019