Shop Visit - Newbold's Motorbike Shop

On our recent trip to Colorado we tried to set aside the 'document everything' mindset, and replace it with some proper seat-time on dirt bikes in the Rockies. (Or did we? ...If its not on Instagram it didn't happen, right?) So as we were about to check off a major bucket-list visit to Newbold's Motorbike Shop in Denver, we realized we didn't have our fancy digital camera to accomplish the task. So we opted for the next best thing and picked up some disposable cameras before arriving at the shop. After all, bucket list activities really should be thoroughly and profusely documented, no holds barred, low fidelity ISO 400 be damned. We've gotten to know Travis Newbold and his dog Baja over the last few years, first flat tracking with them at Del Mar, then doing LA-Barstow-Vegas together, more flat track racing in Kansas, and now finally on their own turf. Calm, polite, and understated by nature, Travis's jolly character shines thru after a beer or two. With a motorbike between his legs, he's a wild man. With a pen in his hand, he's an accomplished poet (His moto-ballads grace the pages of Sideburn magazine). With a wrench in is hand, well, thats his bread and butter. Newbold's Motorbike Shop is a proper outfit, servicing the bikes of loyal customers who rely on his genuine know-how to keep their bikes running strong which in turn keeps the shop in business. Its the circle of life, and it's a beautiful thing to behold. We left Denver contently inspired and more than ever, thankful to know such a solid dude. Follow Travis's exploits @newbolds_motorbike_shop