Harajuku Girls & Tw's

It has been a few days now since our fearless leaders, Dustin & Julian, boarded a plane and headed for the land of the rising sun. Japan offers both a chance for some R&D along with some well deserved R&R. Not much has been heard from the duo since their departure, other than a bare bones email with these images and a quick note... "Japan epic…Sick bikes…crazy town…neon nightlife. Headed east with a pack of Harajuku girls on TW's…ready for a few hours riding the bitch seat……if you don't hear from us in a week……don't come lookin!" Other than that we haven't heard a peep. It was Dustin's birthday yesterday so there is really no telling the sorts of debauchery they are up to. Although I'm sure it involves beer, karaoke bars and running amok amidst the crowded streets of Tokyo. Have fun boys!