Catching up with Husni Part 1

With Salsa departing Bali for a little Mexico soirée, and a slice of time before the arrive of Ozzie Wright and co. My work commitments opened up presenting me with a little hole to go exploring. Where to go…I checked the swell report and noticed a nice little pulse feeding into West Java. What a perfect opportunity to catch up with Husni and the rest of guys in Batukaras. So I packed my bag and grabbed Andre, our man behind the lens of the motion pieces we produce and set off on the unfortunately long and rather convoluted trip to that spot on the coast over a thousand miles away. Arriving first thing in the morning it was fantastic to see that there wasn’t the usual swarm of tourists that tended to be attrached to this magnificent piece of coast. We’d slipped in a week prior to when the herds of Java locals that flock to these perfect azure waters like ants to jam were expected. We were rewarded by having none of the loud speed boats or banana boats plowing the place. Peaceful. Perfect. Prime time of year to be here. With little or no messing about, though after a quick reunion and catch up. We headed surf side, Husni, like most days was itching to get in the water. As he paddled out that morning I noticed, not for the first time. His stature. His presence in the water. The alpha male, something of a leader watching over his pack. Never aggressive nor greedy to catch every wave, instead picking off waves instinctively. The right one. The perfect place. Always one step ahead. Knowing every crag and cracks along the way. Fine-tuning his board with fast footwork and catlike balance. Style and elegance personified. We weren’t the only visitors in town. Our good friend and local Canggu artist, Andrew Wellman had also decided to pay a visit to this longboard friendly community. It was his first time and by the look on his face, every time I saw him in or near the water, I’d say he was not disappointed. A rider and owner of a vast array of craft. Basically Andrew likes to slide. Long short and so many in between. I think he’s mesmerized by forward motion. And in a place like this, why wouldn’t you be. After surfing the point break for the first two days we decided it was time to poke ours heads around the corner to see what else was lurking about. Setting off before sunrise we made our way over hill and dale. This is where having our good mate Husni pays dividends. Without his local knowledge we’d have never found the place. Nor do I think I could again. Conditions looked near enough perfect, with warm orange sunrise, sweet clean waters, small perfect waves breaking across a reef bottom and best of all. Not another person in sight. Before I could even pull my camera out Husni had already made his way to the line up. Wave after wave came through, each one at his disposal. It’s the situation every surfer dreams of. You could tell it was something he enjoyed often. Once again looking through the lens I was amazed at his sparse movements he made it all look so damn effortless. Stay tuned for Part 2 of my Java hideaway We’ve got more waves, a heavy dose of lifestyle and even a dash of drag racing local style. Don’t miss it!